986 193 157 / 620 969 126 snindustrial@snindustrial.es

Transformation of production lines

Movements of machinery and industrial equipment Engineering and Robotics

Engineering and Robotics

Manufacturing and installation


At SN Industrial we provide solutions to industry. We specialise in the movement of industrial machinery and equipment, engineering, robotics and security. Our team with more than 20 years of experience ensures the best result in each project

Our featured services

General industry services

General industry services

Manufacturing, studies for ergonomic improvements, safety compliance work on machines, general installations for industry..



Design of pieces and elaboration of constructive plans in 3D.



Manufacture and assembly of stands with installation-programming of robots.



Supply and installation of cameras for thermographic control, security barriers for access control.

We provide specialized services to different industrial sectors: automotive, food, wind power, robotics, security…

Some of our customers

Igape Galicia Rural Emprende


Axudas do Igape Galicia Rural Emprende
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea
Programa de Desenvolvemento Rural de Galicia 2014-2020

Esta empresa foi beneficiaria dunha axuda do programa do Igape de creación de empresas para actividades non agrícolas en zonas rurais.
O obxectivo principal destas axudas é contribuír á diversificación aconómica, crecemento do emprego, sustentabilidade do medio rural e equilibrio territorial, tanto en termos económicos como sociais. O resultado que se pretende é a creación e o desenvolvemento de pequenas empresas para actividades non agrícolas en zonas rurais e a creación de emprego.

Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER)