986 193 157 / 620 969 126 snindustrial@snindustrial.es

SN Industrial legal notice

The domain www.snindustrial.es, from now on website, is registered in the name of SN INDUSTRIAL.


Name or company name: SN INDUSTRIAL 2019 S.L.

CIF: B27866615

Address: Calle Piñeiro, 16.  36380 GONDOMAR

Province: Pontevedra

Country: España

e-mail: snindustrial@snindustrial.es

Telephone: 986 369 285


Access to the website and the information relating to any of the products and services contained therein implies acceptance of the conditions set out in this Legal Notice. We therefore recommend that you read its contents carefully if you wish to access and make use of the information and services offered therein.

It is possible that at some point one of the pages of the website has cookies, which are small data files that are generated in the computer of the user or client and that allow our systems to remember the language and the portal chosen, as well as other characteristics or navigation preferences of the user in their first session. These cookies are not invasive or harmful, nor do they contain personal data, as their only function is to personalise your browsing in the manner expressed above.


The access to and/or use of the website reflected as a website attributes to whoever does it the condition of user, accepting, from that very moment, fully and without any reservation, the present general conditions, as well as the particular conditions that, in its case, complement, modify or substitute the general conditions in relation to certain services and contents of the website.

Intellectual and industrial property.

Regarding the contents (information, texts, graphics, sound and/or image files, photographs, designs, etc.), it is forbidden:

  1. Its reproduction, distribution or modification, unless it has the authorization of its legitimate owners or is legally permitted.
  2. Any violation of the rights of the owner of the website or of its legitimate owners.
  3. Its use for any type of commercial or advertising purposes, other than those strictly permitted.
  4. Any attempt to obtain the contents of the website by any means other than those made available to users, as well as those normally used on the network, provided that they do not cause any damage to the website.

The owner of the website does not give any guarantee nor is he responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that could be caused by:

  1. The lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the Web and/or its services or contents.
  2. The lack of usefulness, adequacy or validity of the Web and/or its services or contents to satisfy needs, activities or specific results or expectations of users.
  3. The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the contents.
  4.     The reception, obtaining, storage, diffusion or transmission, by the users, of the contents.
  5. The illicit, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to these General Conditions, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order, of the website, its services or content, by users.
  6. The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.
  7. Failure by third parties to comply with their obligations or commitments in relation to the services provided to users through the website.

For the purposes of preserving any possible intellectual property rights, in the event that any user or third party considers that there has been a violation of its legitimate rights by the introduction of a particular content on the Web, you must notify this circumstance to snindustrial@snindustrial.es , indicating:

1.Personal data of the interested party who is the owner of the allegedly infringed rights. If the claim is presented by a third party other than the interested party, it must indicate the representation with which it is acting.

2. Indication of the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the Web.

3. Accreditation of the above mentioned intellectual property rights.

4. Express declaration in which the interested party takes responsibility for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.

The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to the contents provided by third parties is the exclusive responsibility of the latter.

The establishment of any “hyperlink” between a web page and any of the web pages of the website will be subject to the following conditions:

  • The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of the website is not permitted
  • The web page in which the hyperlink is established will not contain any brand, commercial name, establishment sign, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the website.
  • Under no circumstances will the owner of the website be responsible for the contents or services made available to the public on the website from which the “hyperlink” is made, nor for the information and statements included in it.


The duration of the service of the website and the services is of an indefinite nature.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of the website reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of the Web service or any of the services that comprise it, under the same terms contained in the third condition.

The structure and design of the website may be modified unilaterally and without prior notice, whenever it is considered appropriate, as well as the services, contents and conditions of access and/or use of the website.


he present General Conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation. The owner of the website and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the user’s domicile for any issues that may arise or actions taken as a result of the provision of the website service and its services and content and on the interpretation, application, compliance or non-compliance with the provisions herein.

In the event that the User is domiciled outside Spain, the owner of the website and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Vigo.